NICC Foundation - Netherlands International Cooperation Collection
The NICC Foundation manages a growing and multifacedted collection related to Dutch international cooperation and sustainable development. The collection is enriched with personal experiences by those involved.
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(Search engine loads with a small delay)The NICC Foundation: For a future that values the past
This website is a temporary website and is currently still 'under construction'. We are working on a new NICC Website.
WEBINAR on Intergenerational perception on development cooperation
Friday 21 Februari 12.00 - 13.00 hr
Stichting NICC is organising a webinar on the 21st of February to encourage intergenerational discussions on development cooperation. First, the new Gender Glossary will be presented, then a discussion will be kicked off about photography in development cooperation. Do different generations look at the same photographs differently? This is an interactive event, so we encourage all to participate! Send an email to to sign up!

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